??Powered by machine on-board pump utilizing the wasted power from pumps already on during operation.??High efficiency Venturi Design reduces Clogging.??Set up and Go Operation Once set up no need to interfere.??Operates only when machine is on??Vacuums from up to 30 feet away.??Collects all normally wasted coolant back into the sump. 120-day ROI. Money Saver.??Minimum Maintenance.??Installation Kit supplied with 1/2″ & 3/4″ T and Adaptor.??Easy Installation Less than 30 minutes??Comes with easy-to-understand installation instruction.??Reduces Labor costs from emptying coolant from chip bin.??Improved price for waste removal of chips. ??Designed for use with Neat OIL up to 32cs Viscosity.??OPERATING PRESSURE: 3 TO 145 PSI??SUCTION CAPACITY: UP TO -10 PSI??COLLECTION FLOW RATE: APPROX. 1/2 GAL/MINUTE up to 32cs Viscosity??MOUNTING HEIGHT FROM SUMP: MAXIMUM 10 FEET??OPTIMAL COLLECTION TUBE LENGTH: MAXIMUM 15 FEETHeavy Duty Steel ConstructionDenmarkManufacturer100% Guarantee to be Free from any Manufacturing Defects. 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee